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What Services Does a Tax Preparation Company Offer in New York?

by | 3 February, 2023 | Blog

The tax preparation process can be confusing and overwhelming for anyone, especially if you’re a new resident of New York. With so many rules and regulations to keep track of, it’s important to find the right tax preparation company that understands the unique needs of New Yorkers, with qualified professionals who specialize in tax preparation services that can help you maximize your returns or minimize your liabilities.

The ideal tax prep service should have extensive knowledge about local laws, provide reliable customer support, and offer a wide array of services.

Here are some of the services you can contract a tax prep company to help you with:

1. Preparing Tax Returns

Tax preparers are responsible for completing and filing tax forms on behalf of their clients. They must have a comprehensive understanding of tax law to ensure that they can accurately review a client’s personal information, such as Social Security numbers, income statements, and personal and business expenses.

Experienced tax preparers have knowledge of the latest changes in tax laws, and by analyzing the data related to each individual’s financial situation, the preparer is able to identify any potential deductions or credits which may result in reduced tax liability. Furthermore, based on their calculations, a tax preparer can provide advice about the best steps to take to minimize taxes in subsequent years.

It is important to contract qualified tax preparers to handle your returns. Make sure that the tax preparation company you consult is reliable and that any prospective accountant is certified by either the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or the National Association of Tax Professionals (NATP).

This way, you can ensure that knowledge is up-to-date and accurate.

2. Bookkeeping

In addition to preparing your tax returns, a tax prep company can help you with bookkeeping. Bookkeepers are responsible for recording financial transactions, tracking accounts receivable and payable, producing invoices, preparing tax returns and creating reports that provide insight into the financial health of an organization.

A bookkeeper can help you stay organized by effectively managing your finances, providing accurate records of income and expenses, and helping you to develop a budget that will work for you. Bookkeeping services can also help to ensure that taxes are paid on time and accurately reported.

By outsourcing a qualified bookkeeper from a reliable tax prep company, businesses can improve their overall financial well-being as they can make sure all financial obligations are met in a timely manner. A bookkeeper can also give valuable insight into the financial health of a business and provide the necessary tools for sound decision-making. With accurate bookkeeping services, businesses will have access to reliable, organized data which can help them make better decisions to improve their profits.

3. Tax Planning

A good tax preparation company can also help you with tax planning. Tax planning services help individuals and businesses anticipate the tax implications of their financial decisions. This allows them to optimize their finances in order to minimize their overall tax burden.

Tax planners provide personalized advice on legal strategies to lower taxes owed, such as taking advantage of deductions, credits and other available tax breaks. They also advise clients on how to structure investments for maximum taxation efficiency and assist with filing paperwork correctly and on time. Proactive tax planning can help people save a significant amount of money over the long-term, so it is well worth considering these services.

To get the most benefit out of professional tax planning services, it is important that individuals or businesses seek experienced professionals who are knowledgeable about applicable laws and regulations. They should be able to accurately evaluate the client’s financial situation and recommend appropriate strategies. It is also important to be open and honest with the tax planner in order to get tailored advice that fits their needs.

By taking advantage of professional tax planning services, individuals and businesses can ensure they are making smart decisions when it comes to taxes and setting themselves up for long-term success.

Get Your Taxes Done with Melanin Tax Solutions

Melanin Tax Solutions specializes in providing tax preparation and bookkeeping services to individuals and small business owners in the Bronx, NY area. With years of successful experience behind us, we will make sure you are well taken care of. Contact us today at (347) 943-6772.